Sans.-Yavanika ;Ajmada; Eng.-Omum(seeds). Ben.-Jowan. Punj.-Ajawain. Kash.-Jawind. Tam.-Omam.-Tel.-Omamu. Mal.-Homam.
Uses.-Omum seeds are useful in fla.ulence, indigestion,cloic, atonic dyspepsia, diarrhoea, cholera, hysteria and spasmodic affections of the bowels, and check chronic discharges such as profuse expectoration in bronchitis. It produces a feeling of warmth and exhilaration and relieves the sinking and fainting feelings which accompany bowel disorders. Externally it is applied to relieve rheumatic and neuralgic pains. Oil and flowers of ajowan combined with soda forms a nice remedy for acidity, dyspepsia, flatulence,etc.
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