Nayuruvi chambal or ash is a good remedy for bleeding piles and abdominal problems.
Sans- Aghata; Khara-manjari; Apamarga, Eng- Roughchaff tree root; Prickly chaff-flower, Ben- Apang, Burm- Kune-lamon, Duk- Agari, Guj- Safed Aghedo, Mah- Aghada; Pandhara-aghada, Tel- Uttaranee, Arab- Atkumah, Pers- Khare- vazhum, Gwalior- Adharajhada, Pumj- Kutri.
Uses: IThe juice of the leaf is useful in stomachache and bowel complaints, piles, boils,skin eruption etc., In large doses it produces abortion or labour pains.
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