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Naayuruvi Vidai (or) Achyranthes aspera


SKU: 5168 Categories: ,


Sans.-Aghata; Khara-manjari. Eng.-Rough chaff tree. Ben.-Kune-la-mon.Guj.-Safed Aghedo. Mab.-Aghada; Te.-Uttaraene;Antisha. Hind.-Latjira;chirchira. Tam.-Nayuruvi; Shiru-kadaladi. Mal.-Kadaladi. can.-Uttaranee. Arab.-Atkumah.

Uses.- A decoction of powdered leaves with honey or sugarcandy is useful in the early stages of doarrhoea and dysentery,”fresh leaves groung into a paste with jaggery or mixed with black pepper and garlic and made into pills are used as antiperiodic especially in quartan fevers; leaves rubbed into a paste with water are appliedwith much benefit to bites of poisonous insects, wasps, bees etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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