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Dry Dates (or) Khajur (or) Perichchangayi


SKU: 8321527 Category:


khajoor are high in fibre, a rich source of iron to help boost your haemoglobin levels and an instant energy booster. Eating dates is also said to reduce high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure

Sans- Pinda- kharjura, Eng-Dry  Edible date, Fr- Palmier dattier, Ger- Dattelpalm, Arab- Khurmumal-yab-is, Tel- Karjurakaya, Tam- Perichchangayi, Can- Gijjira-hannu; Khajjuri; Uttatti, Punj, & Kon- Khajur, Fr- Palmier dattier.

Uses: Fresh dates are very nourishing and restorative drink to children as well as adults, especially during convalescence from fevers and small    It is used as demulcent , diuretic and refrigerant in genito- urinary infections  Dates are usefull in asthma also.   It is paste also for opacity of the cornea and to the head to the relieve headaches and hemicrania.


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