Content | khajoor are high in fibre, a rich source of iron to help boost your haemoglobin levels and an instant energy booster. Eating dates is also said to reduce high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure
Sans- Pinda- kharjura, Eng-Dry Edible date, Fr- Palmier dattier, Ger- Dattelpalm, Arab- Khurmumal-yab-is, Tel- Karjurakaya, Tam- Perichchangayi, Can- Gijjira-hannu; Khajjuri; Uttatti, Punj, & Kon- Khajur, Fr- Palmier dattier.
Uses: Fresh dates are very nourishing and restorative drink to children as well as adults, especially during convalescence from fevers and small It is used as demulcent , diuretic and refrigerant in genito- urinary infections Dates are usefull in asthma also. It is paste also for opacity of the cornea and to the head to the relieve headaches and hemicrania.
| | | Sans-Ela; Truti; Kapita; Karangi; Varni; Triputa; Triti skshmam, Eng- Cardamom; Malabar Cardamom ; Lesser Cardamom, Hind- Chhoti Elachi, Ben- Garate; Choti elachi; Chota Elachi, Guj- Elachi, Bom- Elachi, Mah- Veldode; Elachi, Tel- Elakkaya Pakkuln, Tam- Elakaya; Ella-kay; Elam; Elakgai, Can- Elakki, Burm- Palah; Bala, Malay- Paputage pinvat, Pers- Kakilahe-khurd, Gr- Cardamom Elettarie.
Uses: Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure. May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. Cardamom, which belongs to the ginger plant family, can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It has antibacterial properties and may lower blood sugar and boost oral, heart, and liver health. |
Jufa is a herb that is native to south of Europe and Middle East1. It is known for its pungency and heat generating quality. Jufa are useful in c leansing the respiratory tract, expelling cough from the body system.
| Sans- Gutavak; Thwak; Varangam,Thracham, Eng- Chinese Cassia, Cinnamon , Pers- Saila- Myah, Duk- Qualami, Bom- Kalphah, Taj; Dalchini, Arab- Darasini; Darcghini, Hind , Punj, Kash, Guj, Ben, Mah;, & Can- Dalchini,; Daruchini, Tel, Tam, & Mal- Lowangapatta, Punj- Kirfa, Sinh- Kurundo, Burm- Timbotik-yobo, Fr- Cannelle, Ger- Zimmt, Gr- Kinnamomon.
Part Used- Dried inner bark of the shoots from truncated stalks and essential oil.
Uses:Ceylon cinnamon for diabetes, indigestion, diarrhea, obesity, and many other conditions, The anti-inflammatory property helps blood flow through the body and puts less strain on the heart.Ceylon cinnamon is a promising treatment for people looking for alternatives to synthetic insulin therapy.Ceylon cinnamon is a promising treatment for people looking for alternatives to synthetic insulin therapy.Ceylon cinnamon is a promising treatment for people looking for alternatives to synthetic insulin therapy. |
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