Sans- Takana; Tunkana; Rasashodhan, Eng- Sodium Biborate; Sodium Borate; Biborate ofd soda; Borax tynkal; Borax; Biborate of sodium; Pyroborate or Tetraborate sodium; Sodium Pyrobate, Hind- Tinkal; Tincal; Sohaga, Ben, Duk, & Punjk- Sohaga; Suhaga; Tinkar; Tinkal, Kash- Vavut, Arab- Buraekes- Saghah, Pers- Tinkar-tankar, Tibetan- Chusal, Bom & Guj- Tankar-khar; Kuddia-khar, Kon, & Mah- Kankankhar, Tel- Velligaram; Elegaram, Tam- Venkaram; Vengaram, Mel- Ponkaram, Can- Bili-gara, Sinh- Pushara, Burm- Lakhiya, Malay- Pijar; Palleri.
Uses: It is used loss of appetite; painful dyspepsia, cough, asthma and diarrhoea. Useful in gonorrhoea, rheumatism, heart disease, epilepsy hysteria It is applied mith benefit in ulceration of mouth, fissures or cracks in the tongue in adults, fever etc.. It is used as antiserptic lotion in purulent ophthalmia and diphtheria.
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