Content | | Sans.-Karpoor; Ghausar. Eng.-Camphor; Guj & Mab.-Kapur, Tam.-Karpooram; Bom.-Bhimseni Kapur; Kafoor; Arab & Urdu.-Kafoor; Fr.-Camphre; Ger.-Kampher.
Uses.-Camphor is of a very peculiar fragrant and penetrating odour,bitter,pungent,and aromatic taste. It is extermely volatile and inuammable burning with a bright light and must smoke. It is good typhoid class; also in measles,ferbrile delirium, whooping cough,hiccup,spasmodic asthma,hysteria,nymphomania dysmenorrhoea,puerperal mania,chorea,epilepsy,atonic gout,melantholia,bronchitis,diarrhoea etc. | For Pooja Purpose only.
Sans- Bhavarakta; Saurab; Mangalya; Agnishikha ; Kumkuma,Mangal; Kusrunam; Kashmirajanma, Eng- Saffron, Arab, &Pers- Zafrah; Zipharana; Hind- Zaffran; Kesar, Ben- Jafran, Bom- Safran, Kessar, Mah- Kecara, Guj- Keshar, Tel - Kunkuma- puvva; Kunkumma- purru, Tam & Mal- Kunkumappu, Can, & Kon- Kunkuma- kesara, Ger & Fr- Safran.
Part Used: Dried stigmas and tops of the styles crocus sativus which constitute the saffron of commerce compressed into cakes and called cake saffron the ordinary saffron being called Hay saffron.
Used: It is used generally as a condiment for its aromatic odour and beautiful colouring matter. It is used in small doses , in fevers, melancholia, enlargement of the liver and in catarrhal affections of children and it is very useful in chronic diarrhoea, chronic discharges seminal weakness. | Sans.-Karpoor; Ghausar. Eng.-Camphor; Guj & Mab.-Kapur, Tam.-Karpooram; Bom.-Bhimseni Kapur; Kafoor; Arab & Urdu.-Kafoor; Fr.-Camphre; Ger.-Kampher.
Uses.-Camphor is of a very peculiar fragrant and penetrating odour,bitter,pungent,and aromatic taste. It is extermely volatile and inuammable burning with a bright light and must smoke. It is good typhoid class; also in measles,ferbrile delirium, whooping cough,hiccup,spasmodic asthma,hysteria,nymphomania dysmenorrhoea,puerperal mania,chorea,epilepsy,atonic gout,melantholia,bronchitis,diarrhoea etc. It is used in rheumatic pains of joints and muscles and externally used as a shimulants and counter irritants. | For pooja purpose only,Kungumam (Thalam poo) is a powder used for social and religious markings in India. | |
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