Botanical – Abies Webbiana, Sans- Talisapatram; Manduparani, Eng- Himalayan Silver Fir, Hind & Ben- Talispatra, Tel, Tam & Can- Talispatri, Bom- Barami, Mal- Taleesaptram, Kash- Badar, Garhwali- Chili ragha; Morunda, Kumaon- Ragha, Nepali- Gobria Sulah, Bhutia- Dumshirg.
Uses: The leaves of talish patra have therapeutic significance. These are effective in all respiratory diseases. The decoction of Talispatra leaves relieves watery discharge, sneezing and nasal congestion. Due to antiviral properties, it helps eradicating common cold infections . Talispatra leaves clear the airways and dissolve thick mucus accumulated in the lungs.talish leaves also have bronchodilatory action, which eases in breathing. Anxiolytic property also reduces mental stress associated with persistent cough and asthma and brings sound sleep at night. They help reducing symptoms of chronic bronchitis and asthma.
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