Sans- Ashphota; Gokarna; Aparajita; Vishnu-kranta, Hind- Nil-koyala; Kava-thenthe, Bom- Nila-aparajita, Hind Ben- Aparajita, Mah- Gokurna-mula, Guj- Garani, Tel- Dintana; Gilarnika-mula, Tam- Kodi-akkanam; Kavachhi; Kuruilai; Kakkanan; Kakkattan-kodi, Mal- Aral, Shnkapuspam, Can- Shankapushpa; Karnikay; Kantisoppu, Kon-Shankapushpi, Arab- Buzrula; Mazerium–hindi, Pers- Tukhm-i-bikhe-hayata, Fr- Clitore-de- ternate Eng- Butterfly-pea; Winged-leaved clitoria; Mazerion, Port- Fula- criqua.
Part Used: Root, bark, seeds and leaves.
Uses: Boosts cognition and memory, has digestive benefits, cools the body, relieves anxiety and fights depression, protects your heart, helps manage epilepsy, counters hyperthyroidism and is a remedy of insomnia.
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