Sans.-Karanja; Naktamala. Eng.-Indian beech. Hind.-Karanj. punj.-Sukhchain. Ben.-dahar-karanja.
Bom.-Karanja. Tel.-Kanuga chettu. Tam.-Pungam maram. Can.-Honge-mara. Kon.-Karinje-rooku.
Uses.-Oil is applied to skin diseases, in scabies,sores,and the like cases of eczema have been benefitted by applying a mixture of the oil and zinc oxide .Leaves are also used in diarrhoea and in cough. Juice of the stem,leaves and root is useful similarly. Juice of the leaves is useful inflatulency dyspepsia and diarrhoea. They are also used very commonly in bronchitis and whooping cough etc.
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