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Paneer Poo (or) Indian Rennet Flower (or) Paneer Phool


SKU: 625113 Category:


It  contains bioactive compounds that have anti-diabetic properties. These compounds work by enhancing insulin secretion, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing glucose absorption, ultimately aiding in blood sugar control.

Botanical  : Withania Coagulans Dunal, English  : Indian Rennet Flower, Tamil  : Paneer Poo, Hindi  : Paneer Phool / Paneer Doda, Telugu : Panneru – Gadda .

Uses: It ids used as diabetes, asthma, blood purification, teeth cleaning, body aches, healing wounds.Paneer flower is the best solution for problems associated with dental pain, gingivitis, and mouth odor.  Paneer flower is one of the best pain relievers because of its ability to reduce fatigue, hand pain, nerve fatigue, and body aches. Controls stress, tension, fatigue, headaches and improves the body’s endurance.


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Weight N/A

1kg, 250g, 500g


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