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Pachai Karpooram (or) Edible camphor(Packet)


SKU: 231619 Category:


For pooja purpose only.Burning edible camphor during ceremonies symbolizes a union with God. Edible camphor to treat  cold, cough,congestion, skin rashes and  improve scalps, fungal infections.

Sans.-Karpoor; Ghausar. Eng.- Green Camphor; Bheemseni Camphor; Guj & Mab.-Kapur, Tam.- Pachaai Karpooram; Bom.-Bhimseni Kapur; Kafoor; Arab & Urdu.-Kafoor; Fr.-Camphre; Ger.-Kampher. Tel.-Pacha karpooram; cheen karpooram.

Uses.-Camphor is of a very peculiar fragrant and penetrating odour,bitter,pungent,and aromatic taste. It is extermely volatile and inuammable burning with a bright light and must smoke. It is good typhoid class; also in measles,ferbrile delirium, whooping cough,hiccup,spasmodic asthma,hysteria,nymphomania dysmenorrhoea,puerperal mania,chorea,epilepsy,atonic gout,melantholia,bronchitis,diarrhoea etc.

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