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Paavakkai (or) Bitter-gourd (or) Karela


SKU: 5182122 Category:


Sans.-Karavella; sushavi. eng.-Bitter gourd. Fr.-Momordique charantia. Hind.-Karela. Ben.-Uchchhe. Tel.-Kakara. Tam.-Pavakka. Mal.-Paval; Kaipavalli. Can.-Hagala-kayi.

Uses.- fruit is wholesome,”but very bitter and has to be steeped in salt water, then well boiled and squeezed, and therefore,the removal of the upper skin,as also scraping away ridges and tubercles where bitterness is concentrated. The antidote is ghee  and rice. Fruit and leaves are both administered internally in leprosy, piles, jaudice etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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