Sans.-Sephalika;Nirgundi. Eng.-Five-leaved chaste tree. Fr.-gattilier incise. Hind.-Sambhalu;Nirgandi. Ben.-Nishinda;samalu. Tam.-Chinduvaram; Nirnochchi; Nochchi; Notchi. Tel.-Sindhuvaruma;Tellavavili.
Uses.-Leaves are very efficacious in dispelling inflammatory swellings of the joints from acute rheumatism and of the testes from suppressed gonorrhoea epdidymitis and orchitis; also over sprained,limbs.contusions,leech bites . A pillow stuffed with the leaves is placed under the head for relief of catarrh andheadache. Dried leaves when smoked are also said to relieve catarrh and headache. Juice of the leaves removes foetid discharge and worms from ulcers etc.
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