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Nelapanai Kilangu (or) kala Musli (or) Musalikand (or) Black Musli (25g powder)


SKU: 378131 Category:


The tuber is heavy to digest and has the property of stickiness. This Black Musli helps to reduce stress. It helps to strength to muscles and bones.

Sans.-Hemapuspi. Talamulika. Eng.-Black musale. Hind&Guj.-Musalikand; Ben.-Talamuli; Sadamusli. Tel.-naelatadi-chettu or gadda. Tam.-Nilap-panaik-kizhangu; Nilappanang-kilangu. Mal.-Nellapana kilongu. Can.-Neladali.

Uses.-Tuberous roots constitute the (black)kalamusli and the white variety safed musli of the bazar. Bulbs of kalamusli are used in scorption bites. Roots are prescribe usually combined with bitters and aromatics in the form of electuary, the dose being one tea-spoonful twice a day; sometimes the drug is given with warm milk and sugar in dose of two drachms in gonorrhoea,dysuria and menstrual derangements. Dose is about a drachm with honey or clarified butter useful in the debility of old age etc.

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Weight 0.025 kg


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