Content | Sans- Sugandhi: Gopimulam; ; Anantamul; Sariva or saribha, Eng- Indian sarllasaparilla; Country Sarsaparilla, Hind- Magrabu; Salsa; Kalisar, Hind , Ben & Punj- Anantamul, Mah- Upersari; Dudhasali, Pers- Ushbahindi; Yasmine barri; Aushbahe-hiondi, Fr- Periploca desindes; Recine de salsepareille, Ger- Hemidesmus Wurzel; Sarsaparillwurzel, Tel- Sugandhipala; Pala Sugandhi, Tam & Nannari; Kizhanna; Naru- ninti, Can- Namadaberu; Sughanda-palada-gida, Kon- Dudvali, Sinh- Irimusu, Arab- Zaiyana; Ausaba lunnara, Port- Upercao.
Part Used: Root , root bark and juice.
Uses: The root bark is used as loss of appetite, nurritional disorders, fevers, skin diseases and ulcerations, especially those of syphilitic origin, constitutional syphilis, Chronic rheumatism and leucorrhoea. The tonic is used as children in chronic cough and diarrhora. It is used as kidney and urinary disorders of various kinds and constitutional debility. The leaves is sued as household remedy in genito- urinary diseases, ulcers and swellings. To promote health and vigour and invariably cure all kinds of diseases caused by vitiated blood. | Castor root is loaded with antimicrobial properties. It also helps in treating severe constipation and other abdominal disorders.
Sans -Eranda; Vatari; Gandharava hasthah; Panchangulam. Eng-Castor oil plant root . Fr-Ricin.
Ger-Ricinus root; Cemeiner Wunderbaum root. Hind-Endi. Sind-Ayrunkukri root;Heran. Punj-Arand; Erand. Arab-Khirva. Pers_Bedanjir.
Ben-Verenda root; Aranda; Bherenda; Sadabherenda Assam-Eri. Bom. Guj-Diveil.Bom. & Mah-Erendi.Uriya-Gab. CP-grudi. Tel-Eramudapu;
Tam-amanakku ver ; Can-Haralu; Chitmani;Amanakku chedi. Mal-Chittamanakku root.Can-Haralu root.
Uses:The better and purer quality oil,clear, (plain or in emulsion with mueilage) inflammation condition bowels in the diarrhoea of often combined with opium facilitate operation for lithotomony useful for purgative of the pharmacopoeia etc.
| | KITAMARI-ARISTOLOCHIA BRACTEATA-WORM-KILLER-AADU-THINNA-PALAI SEEDS Aristolochia bracteolata is a perennial, or rarely annual, mostly prostrate but occasionally climbing or suberect, unpleasantly smelling herb growing from 10 - 40 cm long.It belongs to the Aristolochiaceae family
Sans- Pattra-banga seeds; Dhumra-patra seeds ; Gridhrani seeds. Eng-Wormkiller seeds; Birthwort. Bom-Kidamari. Duk seeds. & Guj-gudhatee seeds.
Hind-Kiramar bheg. Can- Sanajali-hullu seeds. Mal-Atu-tinlap seeds; Atutintappala.Tam-Adu-thinna-palai seeds. Tel-Gudide Gaddithaigadapara;
Kadapara seeds; Gadathigadaparaku. Mab-Gandhani; Gaval. Uriya-Paniri.
USES: The leaves and seeds are used to rid the body of Guinea worm (a parasitic infection caused by a nematode Snacke-bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scropion ect). The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic etc.
| | Ativisha is an herbaceous perennial plant. To treat for fevers, rheumatic conditions and for loss of vitality.
Kan -Ativisha ;Hind-Atis ;Mala-Ativisam ; Tam-Atividyam; Telu-Ati visa ;Marathi -Guj- Atavasa; Punj- KashmiriNASanskrit ;Ativisa;
Eng-Atees ; Bontany- Aconitum Heterophyllum ;
Uses : Ativisha has antipyretic, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, persistent cough, upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, flu, and malaria. In ayurvedic pediatric medicine, it is used to treat fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is an important ingredient of Balchaturbhadra Churna, which is used for fever, loose motions, bronchitis, and infections of upper respiratory tract, asthma, vomiting, and several other pediatric complaints etc.
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