Hindi – Anaar Ke Chilake seed, Tamil – Madhulai seeds , Mathulai seeds, Telugu – Danimma Pandu, Malayalam – Mathala Naranga, English – Pomegranate seed, Botanical – Punica granatum.
Uses: Pomegranate seed is a powerhouse of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in neutralizing harmful free radicals and supporting overall well-being. Embrace the natural defense for a healthier you. Pomegranate seed for glowing skin. Packed with vitamins and nutrients, it could support skin health, promoting a youthful and radiant complexion. Potential digestive benefits of Pomegranate . It may help soothe occasional digestive discomfort and contribute to a balanced .Elevate your nutritional intake and infuse your beverages with a burst of flavor. Pomegranate seed in your culinary creations. Sprinkle it on salads, yogurt, or desserts for a tangy twist and potential health boost.
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