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Maghizham Poo (or) Mimusope Flower


SKU: 12623 Category:


Maghizham  poo to treat  for wounds and  improving,fertility for women and ulcers, deep fragnance.

Sans.-Sinhakesara; Bakula. Eng.-Mimusope. Ger.-Affengeict.Hind.-Mulsari; Bakul. Punj.-Maulsari. Malay.-Elengi. Ben.-Bakul. Mah.-Ranajanasal. Guj.-Bolsari. Tel.-Pogada. Tam.-Mogidam; Vakulam; Maghizham poo; Magadam. Mal.-Mukura. Can.-Ranje;Pagade-mara.

Uses.– Fruit and flower together with other astringents are used to prepare a lotion for wounds and ulcers. Powder of dried flowers produces copious discharge from the nose; It is sniffed to relieve headache.Seeds bruised into a paste and mixed with oil or ghee are made to form suppositories in  cases of obstinate constipation,especially in children.It is useful in fevers and as a general tonic etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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