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Maasikai (or) Oak galls 25g(Powder)


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Sans.-Majuphul. Ben.&Mah.-Majuphala. Eng.-Oak galls; magic nuts. Hind.-majuphul; mazu; Muphal. bom.Guj. & Kon.-maiphala. Bom.-Maiphal. Pers.-Mazhu. Arab.-Uffers. Tel.-mashikaya. Tam.-machakai. Can.-machikai. burm.-pinza-kansi-si; Pyintagar-ne-thi, malay.-manja-kani.

Uses.-Decoction is usually employed as an astringment wash,gargle,enema or injection.In the advanced stages of diarrhoea and dysentery the decoction seems to answer better,given in doses.It should be applied twice daily. Enemas of the decoction may also be used with benefit, Tannic acid in its pure forms,as well as gallic acid,dervied from nut galls are valuable styptics and astringnets,useful in all internal haemorrhages in excessive secretions from different parts of the body and for cutting short local inflammations as in various forms of sore-hroats  nasal csatarrband gonorrhoea etc.

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Weight 0.025 kg


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