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Kungguma Poo (or) Saffron flower (or) Kesar (Pooja Purpose Only)


SKU: 4229 Category:


For Pooja Purpose Only. non-edible

Botanical  : Crocus Sativus, Indaceae , Iridaceae,English   : Saffron Flower,Tamil : குங்கும பூ / Kunguma Poo,Hindi  :  Kesar,Malayalam  :  Kashmiram.

Uses:  The paste over your face and wash the same after 15 minutes. This  is good in the prevention of acne, blemishes, pimples, wrinkles and other black spots from the face. Kungumapoo and soaked it into the water for 2-3 hours. then use this mix on your face and massage gently. Wash it after 5 minutes. The process may be repeated twice or thrice a week for fairer skin.  Helpful in the prevention of throat soreness, swelling of tongues, cracking of lips, skin cracking, and skin irritation.

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Weight 0.001 kg


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