Sans.- Bahupathra; Bhumyaamlaki Buta- dhatri. Hind.- Jaramala; Niruri. Fr.- Phlllanthe niruri; Herbe due chagrin. Ger.- Weisse . Blatt-blume. Ben.- Bhumiamle. Bom. & Mah.-Bhuia-vala, Tel.- Nela usirika. Tam.- kizhkay nelli. Can.- kiru -nelli. Mal.- kilanelli. kon- Bhuyavali)
USES; The plant is considered de-obstruent,diurtic, astringent and cooling. A decoction of the plant is administered in jaundice , Whole plant pounded with its root and combined with rice water is used as poultice for ulcers, sores and swellings. As a stomachic bitter it is useful in dyspepsia.The plant is said to be useful in doabetes.
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