Sans- Ghrita- kumari, Eng- Indian alces, Hind- Ghikanvar; Kumari, Ben- Ghrit- kumari; Musabbar, Guj- Gunvar, Mah- Pivalaboel; Korphad, Tel- Kalabanda, Tam- Kattalai; Kumari, Can- Kathaligida, Mal- Kattavala, Duk- Musanbar, Punj- Elwa, Kash- Musabbar.
Part Used: Expressed and dried juice of leaves and pulp.
Uses: It is a favourite remedy for intestinqalworms in children. Dissolved in spirit it is used as a haie-eye to stimulate hair growth. Used in general debility, cough, dyspnoea, asthma, consumption, piles, epilepsy, colic and tympanitis.
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