Sans.-Pita-daru; Daruharidra. Eng.-Tree-turmeric; Barberry. Hind.-Rasaut; Darhald. Punj.-Sumlu; Chita. Ben.-Darhaldi. Mab.-Daruhalad. Tam.-kasturi manjal. Tel.-Kasturipaspu.
Uses.-Tincture made from the root-bark is used as a bittet tonic,stomachic,cholagogue,antiperiodic and alterative incase of remittent as well as intermittent fever and also in debility consequent therfrom; very valuable in periodic neuralgia.Its oinment made with camphor and butter is applied to pimples and boils. A simple decoction of it,with honey is given in jaundice .Rasaut mixed with honey is useful application to aphthous sores,abrasions and ulcertions of the skin etc.
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