Sans.-Chitraka. Eng.-ceylon leadwork. Fr.-Dentelaire. Ger.-Ceylonnische. Ben.-Chita chitruk.Tel.-Agnimath; chitra mulam. Tam.-Chittira mulam. Mal.-Vellakotuveri. Can.-Bilay-chitramulam.
Uses.-Rooy is powerfully poisonous and its internal use is attended with great danger. It causes abortion. The root is sometimes given internally but more commonly it is employed as a local irritant to the uteri.
Itis also used as an irritant to the skin by malingerers or to support false charges root reduced to a paste may be applied in abscesses with the object to opening them. With milk,vinegar or salt and water the paste may be applied in leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases,unhealthy ulcers,scabies etc.
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