Sans.-Swarna Kshiri; Eng.-Mexican poppy; Hind.-Piladhatura shialkanta;. Guj.-Darudi. Mab.-Kanta-dhotra. Tel.- chettu. Tam.-Kudiyotti;Birams dandu. Can.-Arasina ummatta. Mal.-Ponnummattum. Punj.-Kandiari
Uses.-Whole plant abounds in a yellow glutinous milk juice which is uses to relieve blisters,heal excoriations and indolent ulcers .
Juice is useful in maiarious fevers of a low chronic type and other cutaneous affections,including scabies. Enternally leaf juice blisters and heals excortions condition and indolent ulcers. Care should be taken that it may not come in contact with eyes. Seeds are used as a purgative in syphilis etc.
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