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Bhaban Suruk (or) Red Sage Root


SKU: 637824 Category:


Red sage, also known as Danshen or Salvia miltiorrhiza, is an herbal medicine made from the dried roots of red sage plants.

Red sage is commonly used to support heart health. It is also used for treating Lyme disease and other infections, for liver disorders, and may have neuroprotective and anti-cancer properties. 

Arabic : Naa’ima, Saalbiya, Saalfiyaa, Bahman Abyad, Bengali  : Lal Behman, Chinese  : Dan shen, English  : Red Sage, Garden Sage, Dalmation Sage, Common Sage, French  : Sauge Rouge, German : Wiesensalbei, Hindi  : Lal Bahaman, Latin  : Salvia haematodes Linn., Persian  : Behman Surkh, Urdu: Behman Surkh.


The Behman plant is used as an aphrodisiac and to treat premature ejaculation.It is a tonic, stimulant, antidepressant, adaptogenic, anti cholesterolemic, astringent, carminative, digestive, oestrogenic, nerve tonic and an aphrodisiac and largely prescribed in seminal debility, anaemia, etc.Asthma is also treated with it.It is rich in antioxidants, it may actually prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

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