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Varagu (or) Kodo Millet (or) Harik Millet


SKU: 631914 Category:


Tam- Kiraruga, Hind- Kodo, Sans- Kodrava, Mah- Kodra, Can- Harik, Guj- Kokra; Harik, Ben- Kodoa-dhan, Botanical- Paspalum Scrobiculatum.

Uses:   Millets are popular all over the world for their excellent nutritional value. Adding millet to your diet means adding many nutrients like fibre, protein and iron, among others, to your diet! Besides its nutritional benefits, millets are a great option for people with diabetes. This versatile element is also suitable for people with gluten intolerance/celiac disease. Millet also promotes better digestion and helps you feel full for a lot longer, encouraging and reduce weight loss.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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