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Vaal Milagu (or) Tailed Pepper (or) Kebab-Chini


SKU: 22234 Category:


Bot: Piper cubeba,  English  : Tailed Pepper, java pepper, cubeb,  Tamil  : valmilaku, kanakamilaku, takkolam,  Hindi  :  Ka
bab-chini, Malayalam : Val-milaku, Telugu  : halava-miriyalu, toka-miriyalu.
Uses:   Cubeb pepper has an anti-inflammatory effect so that it is traditionally used for urogenital tract infections such as bladder catarrh, ureter infections, kidney inflammations, uterine and prostate inflammations.  Cubeb is traditionally used for cough and cold situations  .The holy basil and turmeric powder in the tea form. Drinking is very pleasant when you are suffering from cold, and it eliminates headaches.  Asthma patient, then take a few cubebs. Keep it in a cigarette paper. Smoke once per day.  For treating snake bites use the Indian Snakeroot and Cubeb powder mixture.
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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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