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Thulasi Powder (or) Shrubby basil powder (or) Banjari powder


SKU: 8944 Category:


Eng- Shrubby Basil , Fr- Basilic de-ceylon, Sans-Ajeka; Vantulasi, Hind, Ben, Bom & Duk- Ramtulasi, Gwalior- Bantulasi, Hind- Banjari, Guj, Mah- Ajavala, Tel – Nimma- tulasi, Mal- Kattei- tulluva, Tam- Elumicham tulasi, Arab- Faranjmishk, Pers- Raihane Qaranfulli.

Uses: It is  styptic, stimulant, demulcent, diuretic and carminative. Infusion of the seeds is uesd in doses urinary disorders, such as gonorrhoea, scanty and scalding uirine etc. In stomach ache the leaf- juice ,  and vomiting  of infants and children the seeds ground in honey .

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