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Sivanar Vembhu


SKU: 3352263 Category:


Tam.-Shiva-narvaymbu; Shivanarvembu; Can.-Shiva-malli-gida; Neelamalligida. Mal.-Manali; Sans.-Shivanil.

Uses.-Leaves,flower and tender shoots are employed in decoction as a cooling and demulcent drink and in elephantiasis,leprosy and cancer, as an alterative in secondary syphilis etc. Root is chewed as a remedy for toothache and aphthae. The whole plant rubber with butter is applied to reduce oedematous tumours. A preparation is made from the ashes of the burnt plant which is used to clean dandruff from the hair. Leaves are applied to abscesses. Oil got from the root is used to anoint the head in erysipelos etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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