Sans- Guduchi; Amrita; Soma-valli, Hind- Gurach; Gulancha; Giloe, Ben- Gulancha; Gurach; Gadancha; Palo, Bom- Gulwail; Gharol; Gado; Galo, Mah- Gula-veli; Guloe, Tam- Shindil-kodi; Shindil-shak-kari, Tel- Tippatige; Guluchi; Gurucha; Manapala; Tippa-tige-sattu; Tippatige-veru.
Part Used: Stem and root.
Uses: Used in scorpion- sting. Watery extract of the plant is used as a febrifuge and is called indian quinine. An infusion prepared from the stem and root is a valuable tonic in debilitating diseases, intermittent fever and dyspepsia. Its usefulness in leprosy, secondary sphilis and gout, its efficacy in these diseases is doubtful.
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