Sans- Sarjikakshara; Trona or natron, Eng- Dhobi’s earth; Washing soda; Salsoda; Crude carbonate of soda or sulphate of soda; soda carbonate; barbilla; Sodium carbonate – crystsalline; soda ash; Soda crystals; crystals carbonete, Pers- Shikhara; Tine- Gazur, Arab- Tile- milahul- Gile, Hind, Guj, Mah & Kon- Sajjikhar, Tel- Savite – mannupu, Tam- Choon-too-munnoo,sanchchhikaram.
Uses: It is useful in dyspepsia with vomiting, diarrhoea and flatulence. It is an efficient remedy in urinary diseases, as uric acid, gravel and suppression of urine . To use burnt spot gives instantaneous relief of pain in burns . It helps in scalp and in scaly diseases of the skin. Disease of kidney with abundant sediment in the urine ; and i n diabetes the habitual use of this salt has a marked beneficial effect.
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