Sans- Kinsuka; Palasa, Eng- Bastard Teak Seed; Butea gum; Bengal kino, Hind- Palas; Tesu; Chichra; Dhara; Chuniagond; Fras; Kankeri; Tasu, Kon & Mal- Palash; Murkampoo, Ben- Palas; Kamarkas,Gwalior- Beej pak, Guj- Khakara, Pers- Palah; Darakhate-palasha, Tel- Paladulu; Mooduga; Moduga, Tam- Palasam; Murkampoo; Murukkanmaram, Can- Muttagamara; Muttuge, Mal- Pilacham; Murukka-maram, Fr- Butee- feuillue.
Part Used: Gum, seeds, flowers, bark and leaves.
Uses: To used to treat various eye problems. It is beneficial in eye problems like night blindness and cataract. Palash is an effective remedy in stomach related problems. These problems include stomach worms, abdominal pain, internal wounds, ulcers etc. Palash seeds are traditionally used to cure various skin infections as its seeds have antioxidant properties, which helps to get rid of infection. To treatment of sore throat or infection.Palash is used to cure various gynecological problems and to treat menstrual disorders in women
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