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Nili Avuri (or) True Indigo (or) Aviri ( Powder )


SKU: 71175 Category:


To treat various disorders such as enlargement of the liver and spleen, epilepsy, and other nervous affections.

Sans- Neela; Neekinee; Nilika, Eng- True indigo; Dyer’s  indigo, Fr- Indigotier des teinturiers, Ger- Farbe-indigopflane, Hind, Sind & Ben- Nil, Guj- Gali, Bom- Nila, Mah- Nili, Tel, Kon & Can- Neeli, Mal-Amari; Avari;, Tam- Neelum; Nilam; Aviri; Avari, Tel- Aviri; Neeli-chettu; Neli, Pers-Daorokhat-e-nila, Arab- Nilaja; Nabatuna milaja.

Paet Used: Plant and expressed juice indigo.

Uses:  Hair oil made from leaves of Indigo is fantastic for growth. Regular use of this product prevents scalp infection and stimulates hair growth. The powder of indigo leaves is also an effective remedy for dandruff. It dramatically reduces dandruff and can be used to prevent it from an early age. Indigo is a natural hair color. This is a gift from nature, especially considering the adverse effects of chemical dyes, which include increased sensitivity and skin allergies. Indigo oil is the best conditioner for softening hair. Indigo leaves are an excellent home remedy for premature graying of hair. Indigo leaf powder can reverse and prevent graying.

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500g, 50g


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ContentTo treat various disorders such as enlargement of the liver and spleen, epilepsy, and other nervous affections. Sans- Neela; Neekinee; Nilika, Eng- True indigo; Dyer's  indigo, Fr- Indigotier des teinturiers, Ger- Farbe-indigopflane, Hind, Sind & Ben- Nil, Guj- Gali, Bom- Nila, Mah- Nili, Tel, Kon & Can- Neeli, Mal-Amari; Avari;, Tam- Neelum; Nilam; Aviri; Avari, Tel- Aviri; Neeli-chettu; Neli, Pers-Daorokhat-e-nila, Arab- Nilaja; Nabatuna milaja. Paet Used: Plant and expressed juice indigo. Uses:  Hair oil made from leaves of Indigo is fantastic for growth. Regular use of this product prevents scalp infection and stimulates hair growth. The powder of indigo leaves is also an effective remedy for dandruff. It dramatically reduces dandruff and can be used to prevent it from an early age. Indigo is a natural hair color. This is a gift from nature, especially considering the adverse effects of chemical dyes, which include increased sensitivity and skin allergies. Indigo oil is the best conditioner for softening hair. Indigo leaves are an excellent home remedy for premature graying of hair. Indigo leaf powder can reverse and prevent graying.KITAMARI-ARISTOLOCHIA BRACTEATA-WORM-KILLER-AADU-THINNA-PALAI SEEDS Aristolochia bracteolata is a perennial, or rarely annual, mostly prostrate but occasionally climbing or suberect, unpleasantly smelling herb growing from 10 - 40 cm long.It belongs to the Aristolochiaceae family Sans- Pattra-banga seeds; Dhumra-patra seeds ; Gridhrani seeds. Eng-Wormkiller seeds; Birthwort. Bom-Kidamari. Duk seeds. & Guj-gudhatee seeds. Hind-Kiramar bheg. Can- Sanajali-hullu seeds. Mal-Atu-tinlap seeds; Atutintappala.Tam-Adu-thinna-palai seeds. Tel-Gudide Gaddithaigadapara; Kadapara seeds; Gadathigadaparaku. Mab-Gandhani; Gaval. Uriya-Paniri. USES: The leaves and seeds are used to rid the body of Guinea worm (a parasitic infection caused by a nematode Snacke-bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scropion ect). The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic etc. Athimathuram is a herbaceous perennial plant. To treat Sore Throat and Cough, Ulcers and Joint Pains, General Debility, Blood Sugar Regulation and Enhancing Sexual Vigor, Flavoring Agent for cooking. Sans - Yashti-madhu; Madhuka  Eng- Sweetwood;  Liquorice. Hindi -  Mthilakdi ; Guj -  Mab - Jashtimadh ; Tel  -  Yasti madhukam;  Athimadhuram; tam- Ati-madhuram athimadthurappal ; can - jestamaddu ;  botanical - glycyrrhiza glabra . Uses :  It is used scropion sting root in infusion decottion  ertract lozenge is useful demulcent in inflammatory affictin are irritable  condition of the bronchial tubes as coughhoarseness sorethroat astham dysuri ardor urinae pharmaceutical aloes chloride of ammonium senega,hyocyamus, turpentine etc. Akkaraa, to treat rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorders, erectile dysfunction and  indigestion. Sans- Akarakarava. Eng- Pellitory.  Hindi  Bom  &  Ben- Akarkara.  Guj - Akorkaro  . Arab _ Aquarqarha.  Tam - Akkirakaram , Tel-Akarakaram. Mab. and  Can- Akkalkara. Uses : It is  sialogogue and is regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. A decoction of the room is useful as a gargle in carious teeth toothache , sore -throat and tonsillitis. it has been given in paralysis hemiplegia epilepsy chorea and rheumatism and a other diseases ect.
Additional information
Weight N/A

500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight 1.5 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight 0.5 kg