Sans.-Bhunimba; mshartika. Eng.-Chiretta. Hind.-Kirata mahstita. Ben.-Kalmegh. Arab.-Qasabuzzarirah. Pers.-Nainechavandi. Guj.-Kiryato. Mab.-olekirayat. Tel.-Nelavemu. Tam.-Nilavembu. Mal.-Nilavaepu. Can.-Nelabaevu.
Uses.-Decoction or strong infusion of the root-stalks and leaves is a household febrifuge,bitter tonic, alternative, anthelmintic and antiperiodic, useful in ague or intermittent fevers’. The whole plant being an intensely bitter substance,yielding its properties readily to water or spirit seems to be inno way inferior to other bitters mentioned in the B.P. It is easily available,very cheap and merits better recognition etc.
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