Botanical : HygrophilaAuriculata, English : Gokulakanta Tamil : நீர்முள்ளிவிதை / Neermulli Seed , Hindi : Jhinti,Malayalam : karimkurunni, Telugu : Gobbi.
- Dropsy — The herb is effective in cure of dropsy. Herb’s ash is used for treatment of dropsy. Ash should be mixed with cow’s urine in doses of 1.5 — 3 grams. Roots of the herb are effective in dropsy cure.
- Genito-Urinary Disorders — The roots of the herb are used for treatment of urinary disorders, kidney stones and gonorrhea. Roots extraction can be given in dosage of 30 to 60 grams, 2 or 3 times a day.
- Leaves extraction can be used in the cases of gonorrhea and syphilis. The mucilage obtained by soaking the seeds in water is also effective in treatment of gonorrhea and urinary diseases.
- Anemia — Gokulakanta purifies the blood and thus helps in anemia treatment. Roots decoction can be taken for its cure. To prepare its roots decoction, 60 grams of roots are taken and boiled in ½ litre of water for half an hour. 30 to 60 ml of decoction should be taken 2 to 3 times daily.
- Liver disorders — Roots decoction is helpful in treatment of hepatitis and jaundice conditions. To prepare its roots decoction, 60 grams of roots are taken and boiled in ½ litre of water for half an hour. 30 to 60 ml of decoction should be taken 2 to 3 times daily.
- Rheumatism — Gokulakanta herb is also effective in treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
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