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Naai Kadugu (or) Dog Mustard


SKU: 79848 Category:


Sans.-Karnaspota; Arkakanta. Eng.-Wild or dog mustrad; Sind.-Kathori. Arab.-Bazar-ul-banja; Hind.-Jangli; Ben.-Tilpami; Punj.-Bogra; Bom.-Pivla-tilivana; Mab.-Kanphuta; Can.-Kadusasive; Tel.-Naelavaminta; Tam.-Naai kadugu; Mal.-Aryaval.

Uses.-Seeds are a remedy for infantile convulsions. They are regarded as an efficient substitute for mustard internally and externally. In the form of infusion they are employed topically to kill maggots in unheathy sores.Leaves applied to boils prevent the formation of pus;and their juice pressed out with hot water or mixed with warm ghee is used as ear-drops in earache and inflammation of the middle ear; but in case of otorrhoea its instillation produces smarting pain. Juice is given internally in small quantities freely diluted with water and acts as a sudorific in fevers etc.

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ContentSans.-Karnaspota; Arkakanta. Eng.-Wild or dog mustrad; Sind.-Kathori. Arab.-Bazar-ul-banja; Hind.-Jangli; Ben.-Tilpami; Punj.-Bogra; Bom.-Pivla-tilivana; Mab.-Kanphuta; Can.-Kadusasive; Tel.-Naelavaminta; Tam.-Naai kadugu; Mal.-Aryaval. Uses.-Seeds are a remedy for infantile convulsions. They are regarded as an efficient substitute for mustard internally and externally. In the form of infusion they are employed topically to kill maggots in unheathy sores.Leaves applied to boils prevent the formation of pus;and their juice pressed out with hot water or mixed with warm ghee is used as ear-drops in earache and inflammation of the middle ear; but in case of otorrhoea its instillation produces smarting pain. Juice is given internally in small quantities freely diluted with water and acts as a sudorific in fevers etc.Ativisha is an herbaceous perennial plant. To treat for fevers, rheumatic conditions and for loss of vitality. Kan -Ativisha ;Hind-Atis ;Mala-Ativisam ; Tam-Atividyam; Telu-Ati visa ;Marathi -Guj- Atavasa; Punj- KashmiriNASanskrit ;Ativisa; Eng-Atees ; Bontany- Aconitum Heterophyllum ; Uses : Ativisha has antipyretic, antibacterial, anthelmintic, antitussive and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, persistent cough, upper respiratory tract infections, common cold, flu, and malaria. In ayurvedic pediatric medicine, it is used to treat fever, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is an important ingredient of Balchaturbhadra Churna, which is used for fever, loose motions, bronchitis, and infections of upper respiratory tract, asthma, vomiting, and several other pediatric complaints etc. Sans.-Ikshugandha; Gokshura; Trikantah. Eng.-Small Caltrops. Ben.-Gokhuri. Arab.-Khara-khusk. Tel.-Palleru mullu; Tam.-Nerinjal; Mal.-Nerungil. Uses.-Plant and dired spiny fruits are used in decoction or infusion in cases of spermatorrhoea,phosphaturia,diseases of the genito-urinary system such dysuria,ganorrhoea,gleet,chronic cystitis,calculous affections,urinary disorders,incontinence of urine,gout and impotence. Water rendered mucilaginous by the plant is drunk as a remedy for impotence and an infusion of the stem is administered in gonorrhoea. It is generally given with hyoscyamus and opium conditions of the urinary passages etc.Botanical- Ficus Religiosa; Eng -Sacred Fig ;Tam - Arasa ilai  ;Hindi - aswattha Pattee; Malya-arayal / pippalam ila ;Telu- pippalamu aku Uses :  leaves used as a paste improves to fair complexion of skin. In case of pain in the body, application of Peepal tree milk gives relief. When there are cracks in the feet, use of milk of Peepal tree gives relief etc.
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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 1 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 1.5 kg