Sans.-Karnaspota; Arkakanta. Eng.-Wild or dog mustrad; Sind.-Kathori. Arab.-Bazar-ul-banja; Hind.-Jangli; Ben.-Tilpami; Punj.-Bogra; Bom.-Pivla-tilivana; Mab.-Kanphuta; Can.-Kadusasive; Tel.-Naelavaminta; Tam.-Naai kadugu; Mal.-Aryaval.
Uses.-Seeds are a remedy for infantile convulsions. They are regarded as an efficient substitute for mustard internally and externally. In the form of infusion they are employed topically to kill maggots in unheathy sores.Leaves applied to boils prevent the formation of pus;and their juice pressed out with hot water or mixed with warm ghee is used as ear-drops in earache and inflammation of the middle ear; but in case of otorrhoea its instillation produces smarting pain. Juice is given internally in small quantities freely diluted with water and acts as a sudorific in fevers etc.
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