Sans.-Kinsuka; palasa. Eng.-Bastard teak; Hind.-Palas; Tesu;chichra. Kon&Mab.-Palash;(Flower) Murukampoo. Ben.-Palas;(Gum)Kamarkas. Guj.-Khakara. Pers.-Palah;Darkhate-palasha. Tel.-Paladulu; Moodurga. Tam.-Palasam; Murukam poo. Can.-Muttagamara. Mal.-Pilacham. Fr.-Butee-feuillue.
Uses.-Bark furnishes a very important exudation which hardens into a red brittle resin known as butea-gum or bengal kino or magugo,largely used. Externally the leaves are used to disperse boils,pimples buboes, tumourous haemorrhoids. Flowers also are useful boiled in water and applied as poultice they disperse swellings and promote diuresis and menstural flow. They are applied in orchitis etc.
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