Sans.-Pippali; Trikana; Eng.-Dired catkins; Long-Papper; Hind.-Pimpli; pipal;Ben.-Pipli; Pepul. Guj.-Pipara; Pipli; Mah.-Mothi; Pimpli; Tel.-Pippali-katte; Pipili; modi. Tam.-Pipili; Tippilli;(modi). Mal.-Tippli. an.-Hippali; Yippali.
Uses.-Old long pepper is more efficacious in medicine than fresh article-(U.C,dutt).Powdered long pepper administered with honey will relieve cough cold,asthma,hoar-seness and hiccup. A compound powder consisting of the same ingredients and in equal parts and called chuturushana churnam is useful in colic and flatulence besides cough and coryza etc.
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