Sans-= Sinhakesara; Bakula, Port- Pomme d’Adami, Fr- Mimusope Elengi, Ger- Affengesict, Hind- Mulsari; Bakul, U.P- Maulsari, Uriya- Baulo, Malay- Elengi, Ben- Bakul, Mah- Ranjanasal; Bakul, Bom- Borsali; Taindu, C.P – Gholsari, Guj- Bolsari, Tel- Pogada, Tam- Mogidam; Vakulam; Maghizham; Magadam, Mal- Mukura, Can- Ranje; Pagade-mara, Kon- Vovaliruku, Burm- Khaya, Sinh- Munernal, Eng- Spanish cherry seed.
Part Used: Bark, flowers, fruit and oil of seeds.
Uses: It is used as lotion as wel for wounds and ulcers. The seeds are used as fevers and general tonic. The powder of dried seeds are produce copious discharge from the nose; it is sniffed to relieve headache. Also mainly used as tooth-powder in cases of spongy gums.The pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten as diet in convalescence after diarrhoea and used in snake- bite, and also applied to relieve headache. Ripe fruit promotes delivery flowers yield an oil which is used in perfumery.
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