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Lodhra pattai (or) Lodh tree


SKU: 48368 Category:


Sans.-Lodhra; Tillaka; srinata. Eng.-Lodh tree;(bark) Lotur-bark; Small-bark tree. Hind.-Lodh. Ben & Mah.-Lodhra. Guj.-Lodhar. Tel.-Lodhuga-chettu. Tam.-Velli-lothi. Mal.-Pachotti. Can.-Balaloddugina-mara; Pachettu. Arab.-moogama.

Uses.-Bark is useful in bowel complaints such as diarrhoca,dysentery,etc,in dropsy,eye diseases,liver complaints,fever,ulcers,scorption-string etc. It is used form of compound decoction and infusion. In dysentery a compound powder containingĀ  liuorice root,myrica sapida bark and pomegranate rind in equal preoarations to lodhra bark is used .Alcoholic extracts and watery extract of ‘lodh’are very frequently used by the medical profession as astringents for looseness of the bowels etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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