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Korai Kilanghu (or) Nut Sedge (or) Korehi-jhar (or) Tungamusti


SKU: 3369976 Category:


Korai Kilangu is a small, tuberous root. It grows underground and looks a bit like a small potato. Helps boost your immune system.

Sans.-Musta; Mustaka ; bhadramusta ; Eng.-Nutgrass. Hind.-Korehi-jhar. Ben.-Moothoo; Mutha; Nagarmothee;

Sada-kufee. Bom.-Musta. Guj.&Mab.-Barik motha; Tel.-Tungamusti; Gandala; Tunga-musthalu. Tam.-Korai-kizanghu ; Tunga-gaddai. Mal.-Karimuttan ; Kora-kizanna. Can.-Tangahulla; Koranari-gadde; Kon.-Bhadramusti. Sinb.-Kalanduru.

Uses.-Tubers are useful in infusion or as soup in fever, diarrhoea, dysentery,dyspepsia,voiting,cholera, etc. Bulbous roots are scraped and pounded with green ginger,mixed with honey and given in cases of dysentery,gastric and intestinal disorders,in uterine complaints. In larger doses it is used as an anthelmintic to get rid of worms. Paste is applied to scorpion stings and when dried,to spreading ulcers etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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