Sans- Lasuna; Urragandha; Bhutagna; Mahusudha; Rasonam; Mlecha-gandha, Eng- Garlic, Hind & Bom- Lasan, Sind- Thum, Pers- Sir, Guj- Lasan, Sind- Thum, Pers- Sir, Guj- Lasan, Shuman, Mah- Lasun, Tel- Velluli; Tellagadda, Tam- Kashmir Vellapunu; Vallaipundu; Ullipoondu, Mal- Vellulli, Can- Bellulli, Ben- Rasun.
Part Used: Bulb and Oil.
Uses: To prevent recurrence of the cold fits of intermittent fever, externally it is used in paralytic and rheumatic affections. The juice is used rubefacient liniment acts very beneficially in infantile convulsions , other nervous and spasmodic affections, relaxed sorethroat, in asthma, general paralysis, facial paralysis, gout, sciatica and skin diseases including leprosy.Consuming garlic may be beneficial for bone health. This is because it can help reduce oxidative stress.
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