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Karuvaaepillai (or) Curry-Leaf


SKU: 7918 Category:


Sans.-Surabhinimba; krishnanimba. Eng.-Curry-Leaf tree. Hind.-Karaypak. Ben.-Barsunga. Mab.-Kadhee-nimba. Bom.-Karrinim. Tel.-Karivaepamu. Tam.-Karuveppilai. Mal.-Karivaepu. Sinb.-Karapincha. Can.-karibevu.

Uses.-Infusion of the root-bark or of the leaves is useful in vomiting. Green tender leaves are eaten raw for the cure of  dysentery. Whwn boiled in milk and ground they form a good application to poisonous bites and to eruptions. decoction of the leaves is given with bitters as a febrifuge in fever. Leaves are popularly used for flavouring curries and condiments etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g


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