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Karun jeeragam (or) Kala-jira (or) Black Cumin


SKU: 1268 Category:


Karunjeeragam or kalonji seeds can help you maintain a healthy weight as they have metabolism-boosting properties. 

Sans.-Krishna-jiraka; Aranyajeeraka. Eng.-Small Fenn  or Black cumin.Fr.-cumin noir. Ger.-schwarzer kummel. Hind.-Kala-jira; Kulanji. Bom.-Krishnajira. Arab.-Nallajilakara. Tam.-Karunjiragam Mal.-Karinshirogam. can.-Karisjirigay.

Uses.- Seeds are used as a condiment in curries,and with other aromatic substances and bitters. They have a decided action as a galactagogue; a decoction of the seeds is given to recently-delivered females in combination with a few other medicines. It also stimulates uterine contraction.Seeds form a very useful remedy in worms.With sweet oil the decoction forms useful application in skin diseases etc.








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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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