Gundu Manjal represents the purity of the mind, a healthy body and the fertility of the soil.
Sans- Vanaharidra, Eng- Wild tumeric ; Yellow Tumeric; Yellow Zedoary; Cochin Tumeric, Hind- Jangli haldi, Ben- Ban- halad, Bom- Ran- halad; Ambe- halai; Guj- Kapur- kachali, Mah- Vedi- halad, Tel- Adavipasupu; Kasturi-pasupa, Tam- Kasturi-manjal, Mal- Kattumanjal, Can- Kadarasina; kasturi- arishina, Kon- Ranhalad, Arab- Judwar, Burm- Kiyasanoin, Sinh- Duda-kaha.
Part Usesd: Tuber or Rhizome.
Uses: Dried rhizome is used as an aromatic adjunt to other medicines used in skin diseases and impurities of the blood.
In powder is used to promote eruptions in exanthematous fevers.
It is also externally boiled in oil as an application to sprains and bruises. Useful in snake-bite also.
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