Botanical : Terminalia Chebula , Tamil கடுக்காய் – Kadukkai Pinju, Telugu : Karakkaya, Hindi : – Harad , Gujarathi Name: Hardo,, Bengali : Haritaki, Horitoki, English : InkNut, Chebulie, Malayalam : Katukkai, Kannada : Kadukemara.
- Enhances digestion and increases the absorption of nutrients.
- Reduce excessive acidity and can help prevent stomach ulcers.
- Improves elimination and weight loss efforts.
- Considered a premier detoxifier in Ayurveda.
- A rich source of antioxidants that protect your body from free radical damage.
- Often used to treat mouth ulcers and gum disease.
- Recommended for acne, hair loss and dandruff.
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