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Ammaan Pachai Arisi (or) Ammaan Pachai Rice 50g(Powder)


SKU: 19632 Category:


Sans.-Raktavinduchada. Eng.-Australian Asthma-weed ; Snake weed and cat’s hair Hindi. & Guj.-Dudhi. Ben.-Bara-keru. Tam.-Amum-patchaiaressi. Tel.-Bidari ; Nanabalu. Mal.-Nelapalai. Kon.-Dudurli.

Uses.- This is a popular remedy forcough, coryza, hayasthma, bronchinal affectiona and diseases of  the respiratory passages generally, also given for worms, bowel-complaints and as paste with sugar in gonorrhoea and other venereal disases.

It should be given after meals.It has been found by me very beneficial in cases of asthma etc.

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