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Ammaan Pachai Arisi 50g(Powder)


SKU: 19632 Category:


Sans.-Raktavinduchada. Eng.-Australian Asthma-weed ; Snake weed and cat’s hair Hindi. & Guj.-Dudhi. Ben.-Bara-keru. Tam.-Amum-patchaiaressi. Tel.-Bidari ; Nanabalu. Mal.-Nelapalai. Kon.-Dudurli.

Uses.- This is a popular remedy forcough, coryza, hayasthma, bronchinal affectiona and diseases of  the respiratory passages generally, also given for worms, bowel-complaints and as paste with sugar in gonorrhoea and other venereal disases.

It should be given after meals.It has been found by me very beneficial in cases of asthma etc.

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Weight 0.05 kg


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SettingsAmmaan Pachai Arisi 50g(Powder) removeAalam Pattai (or) Vakumbha (bark) removeArugam Pul (Dhurva ) or Bermuda Grass remove108 Oma Thiraviyam 1 kg (SET) removeAaadu thina paalai Elai (or) Wormkiller (or) Pattra-banga removeAthimathuram (Liquorice) (or) Glycyrrhiza Glabra remove
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ContentSans.-Raktavinduchada. Eng.-Australian Asthma-weed ; Snake weed and cat's hair Hindi. & Guj.-Dudhi. Ben.-Bara-keru. Tam.-Amum-patchaiaressi. Tel.-Bidari ; Nanabalu. Mal.-Nelapalai. Kon.-Dudurli. Uses.- This is a popular remedy forcough, coryza, hayasthma, bronchinal affectiona and diseases of  the respiratory passages generally, also given for worms, bowel-complaints and as paste with sugar in gonorrhoea and other venereal disases. It should be given after meals.It has been found by me very beneficial in cases of asthma etc. Vakumba, Kumbhi is bitter and cleansing to the blood and liver and also helps kindle agni. Sans Hind & Ben-kumbi. Guj, Mab, & Ben- Vakumbha. Tel-Dudippi. Tam-Pailacputatammi. Can-Daddala ; Guddadippae. Mal-Peelam; paer; Alam Patti ; Ukamaram. Mysore-Govuldu. Uses:   Alum is also used as a styptic, in styptic pencils available from pharmacists, or as an alum block, available from barber shops and gentlemen's outfitters, to stem bleeding from shaving nicks and as an astringent. An alum block can be used directly as a perfume-free deodorant (antiperspirant), and unprocessed mineral alum is sold in Indian bazaars for just that purpose. Throughout Island Southeast Asia, potassium alum is most widely known as tawas and has numerous uses. It is used as a traditional antiperspirant and deodorant, and in traditional medicine for open wounds and sores etc. Bermuda juice is highly praised for its potent alkaline property. It works well by increasing the alkaline level and lowers acidity. Bermuda juices aid in treating acid. Eng - Bermuda Grass ; Hindi - Dhurva | Dhub | Dhoob; Sanskrit - Dhurva ;Malayalam - Karuka ; Telugu - Garikagoddi ; Kannada - Garikoihallu ; Bengali - Dhurba; Botanical -  Cynodon Dactylon Uses : Stabilizes blood sugar – Consuming arugampul juice helps stabilize blood sugar level. Relieves Diuretic condition – Consuming this juice early in the morning helps one detoxify his/her body of toxins and also gets rid of water retention. This is also useful in treating urinary tract infections.Sans- Pattra-banga; Dhumra-patra ; Gridhrani. Eng-Wormkiller; Birthwort. Bom-Kidamari. Duk. & Guj-gudhatee. Hind-Kiramar. Can- Sanajali-hullu. Mal-Atu-tinlap; Atutintappala.Tam-Adu-thinna-palai. Tel-Gudide Gaddithaigadapara; Kadapara; Gadathigadaparaku. Mab-Gandhani; Gaval. Uriya-Paniri. USES: The leaves and roots are used to rid the body of Guinea worm (a parasitic infection caused by a nematode Snacke-bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scropion ect). The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic etc.Athimathuram is a herbaceous perennial plant. To treat Sore Throat and Cough, Ulcers and Joint Pains, General Debility, Blood Sugar Regulation and Enhancing Sexual Vigor, Flavoring Agent for cooking. Sans - Yashti-madhu; Madhuka  Eng- Sweetwood;  Liquorice. Hindi -  Mthilakdi ; Guj -  Mab - Jashtimadh ; Tel  -  Yasti madhukam;  Athimadhuram; tam- Ati-madhuram athimadthurappal ; can - jestamaddu ;  botanical - glycyrrhiza glabra . Uses :  It is used scropion sting root in infusion decottion  ertract lozenge is useful demulcent in inflammatory affictin are irritable  condition of the bronchial tubes as coughhoarseness sorethroat astham dysuri ardor urinae pharmaceutical aloes chloride of ammonium senega,hyocyamus, turpentine etc.
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Weight 0.05 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight 108 kg
Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g