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Poduthalai (or) Bakkan (or) Frog Fruit


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Sans.-Vashira. Ben.&Hind.-Bakkan. Mah.-Vekkan. Tel.-Bokkena. Tam.-Poduthuvalai; Poduthalai. Mal.-Katu-tippali. Can.-Nela-hippali, Eng- Frog Fruit.

Uses.-Growing in most ground found mostly in the southern parts of india. The plant is demulcent,febrifuge,resolvent and diuretic. Leaves and young shoots are very bitter and astringent; They are given to children in diarrhoea dysuria and indigestion in the form of infusion or decoction in doses of 1 to 2 cunces rtwice daily; also given in lithiasis and to women after the lying in state.In case of gonorrhoea with scalding in the urine it is given combined with cumin or suva. A paste or poultice of the plant is applied to promote suppuration i boils to swollen cervical glands and to erysipelas and to chronic indolent ulcers etc.

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Weight N/A

100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g


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